People Infect People — It’s the Infectious Way

Noah Michaw
5 min readMar 21, 2020


So I’ve been thinking lately about this whole Coronavirus thing… Yeah, the thing that has pretty much wrecked your life rhythm and forced you into isolation. The thing that has destroyed senior sports seasons and left many brides in tears as they’ve had to cancel the “Big Day” in front of those they love. It’s the tiny invisible thing that has ruined music and film festivals, turned cities into ghost towns, and emptied religious gatherings. It’s caused the stock market to crash, families to lose loved ones, and people to lose their minds.

And if you’re out of toilet paper, you might want to start thinking about alternatives and praying that the Lord comes back soon.

The Coronavirus has done one good thing for those who are still scrounging around… For the first time in forever, there is no such thing as rush hour traffic. Incredible.

But as I think of all that is happening, I can’t help but ask the question why?

Conceptually, how have we come to this point where I am not allowed to meet with others?

Let me preface my response by saying that I don’t know all of the answers but I have been processing these thoughts for a few days so I’m confident in sharing them.

I’d propose to you when you break things down that conceptually we have come to this point based upon our reaction to truth. The truth is that we don’t know much about this incredibly elusive and infectious virus that many elderly people and those with pre-existing conditions have a great risk of dying from. The truth is that thousands around the world have been hospitalized and we see it all over the news. The truth is that you may not experience the symptoms for 4–14 days or at all. Our reaction to the truth is simply fear. We are afraid of guilt and death and therefore the precautious situation we find ourselves in is our current reality. Now in this situation, the execution of fear looks like wisdom and prudence. The whole country is engaging in self-quarantine to protect those that are most vulnerable to the virus, but the truth of the matter is that we are isolated out of fear.

I believe that this pandemic has brought to light a few things we can learn from in light of the world’s response. Clearly, we see that a principle is on display. Fear leads to isolation. In the case of a global outbreak, isolation is a good thing because it greatly hinders the spread of the virus, but how many of us are living in isolation without the government telling us to? How many of us are facing greater enemies than COVID-19 like fear, anxiety, depression? These things drive us into separation and isolation and a guardedness that we weren’t created for. From the beginning, in God’s original design He saw that it was good for man to be known in community.

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” — Genesis 2:18

If you are battling with fear, anxiety, depression… Can I just speak to you and over you that I realize what you are going through is REAL and PHYSICAL, but it’s also spiritual and God loves You and cares for you and offers a peace that is beyond all understanding in Jesus. Will you seek after Him? Or will you allow fear to isolate you?

Secondly, when you look at this global pandemic, it is highly contagious and so many have contracted the virus without realizing it or feelling the symptoms of it until weeks after exposure. How have these people tested positive? COVID-19 isn’t a virus you can catch on the internet by opening up a spam email… Quite simply those who have contracted the virus have been engaged by someone who personally had the virus themselves. The second principle on display here is that the most infectious and viral things are spread person to person. A force that is irresistible and unstoppable without isolation. The problem that I see paralleling with those who claim to follow Jesus is that we have isolated ourselves from culture and have believed the lie that technology and good marketing is THE WAY. Friends, can I encourage you… Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life…” The most unstoppable infectious movements are through people interacting with people. That’s what Jesus did. What would it look like to see the kindness and love of Christ spread in such a way? A way in which people were impacted and God’s Spirit was imparted into new believers who didn’t even know they were being pursued(showing no symptoms) until the gospel of Jesus finally made sense to them as Christians genuinely loved them in their sin? It would look like the life of Jesus. He is the way and He calls us to follow.

Love the woman at the well who is despised by others. -John 4

Show mercy and give grace to the woman caught in adultery. -John 8

Show compassion to others in need even when you’re exhausted. -Matthew 9

Eat with the outcast and hated tax collectors of society and believe the best for them. -Matthew 9

There is so much that Jesus did for people, but He sums everything up in this:

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.” -John 13:34–35

Let’s learn from this weird season of life. Don’t respond to the circumstances of your life in fear but with the truth of God’s word. It is not time to shrink back into spiritual, mental, or emotional isolation. It is time to believe that God is working all things for the good of His people and is glorifying Himself through the obedience of His people to love those around them in this time full of fear, anxiety, loneliness, and depression. Jesus invaded, initiated, and invited us into a relationship with the Father through His sacrifice. It’s time we start doing the same for those God has intentionally planted in our lives.



Noah Michaw
Noah Michaw

Written by Noah Michaw

life is meant for living in freedom. freedom is found in Jesus. the spirit of Jesus lives in me. therefor I am free.

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